Thursday, 16 February 2012

Internet v/s China

China has largest internet user after the United States. Government of china feel that internet will create a problems in there country and their culture will demolishes. Because of this Chinese government has banned the use of almost half of website from internet. People republic of china used great firewall also known as Golden Shield Project to censor the using of objectionable things from internet. Chinese ministry of industry and informational technology has filtered many of the websites. The content which have abusive language or were message pass to others about   is happening in china through chat message, email, should be avoided that’s why government have ban or filter the websites. Popular sites like face book, Google plus, Skype, Wikipedia, BBC, you tube, porn sites, blog, etc are fully ban for using by Chinese internet user. Chinese government censoring internet because they don’t want to exchange the information from outside china. Any citizen who gets the connection of internet they have to register first with police. If any of internet users use the banned sites then they are given punishments. But after banning also many of then used banned sites using without getting knowledge of anybody about it.  Banning the internet it restricts the flow of knowledge of outside world. Matter of discussion, our view, and thinking are not growing until we talk with other who is unknown to us. Internet has increased very largely all over the world. But big company related internet is not coming to china for the business because of things like censor. As information will grow the society will also grow and it will get the benefit for the country. For against banning internet many people have done riots but it’s not affected by government. But few sites which were ban were again started. Filtering of internet is required as per user like kids who play online game of violent or vulgar. Using of bad words also not allow using. Information which creates violence it should be ban. China is doing right to filter thing but they are totally banning which stop the freedom of speech of a citizen. The country runs because of citizen and their views if it will not will there then country can not become powerful.   

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